Did you know that 1-out-of-4 more pets would be saved if just ONE pet first-aid technique is applied prior to veterinary care according to the American Animal Hospital Association?
Here at Playful Pack, we are always exploring ways to better the experience of all of our guests (2 and 4 legged) and that means doing things to further our education in all things dog! We recently had our management team and some staff members undergo CPR and First Aid training through a local organization based out of Eastern Maryland, Rescue Encore owned and operated by Mark Driscoll. Mark is a career firefighter who through his time doing that, noticed a lack of knowledge and information on the life-saving techniques required for animals so he developed Rescue Encore to supplement that training. He offers training seminars to the public at a low cost in order to be able to provide the service for free to First Responders!
Through this training seminar, our staff was able to further their education and knowledge on several different areas of pet-centered CPR and First Aid; something we felt as a company was important to provide for them! During this seminar, Mark instructed and demonstrated various techniques such as hands-on CPR, splinting, bandaging, trauma assessment, and vital assessment. All of these skills and techniques are vital to not only allowing for the best care possible of our pups while they are with us in case of emergency but also general knowledge that we can train our co-workers with and pass on to clients for their day-to-day lives.
Having this increased knowledge and skill set for our top staff and management is crucial to training all future staff, as we continue to train and pass down what they have learned to all our new staff we can ensure that every staff member knows what to do in case of emergency. We want Playful Pack employees to be prepared for anything that may happen and we feel having this training is so important to the well-being of all our packmates! Most of the training we hope to never have to use, but having the ability to give us peace of mind and hope that it does to our packmate parents as well. We hope to be able to offer further training seminars for more of our staff and also help to coordinate events for you, our customers to have this knowledge in your day to day lives!